Are We Excited?

I’ve been getting this question more and more as our departure to Malaysia inches ever closer, “Are you excited?”  or “Are the kids excited?” It’s a hard question to answer, because it offers only a binary choice for a response, an either/or, a yes or a no. If people ask me this on the fly, … More Are We Excited?

Why We Serve

The State Department has been in the news a lot lately, and it hasn’t been good, with mounting concerns over proposed cuts to the work force and growing worry over the departure of many seasoned and senior diplomats. On my way to pick up Dan from the airport a few weeks ago, I listened to … More Why We Serve

Why We Move

Dan brought home the bid list last week with its columns of cities and job types and language requirements and hardship differentials. It has been a fixture on our dining room table, and I have been combing through the list over and again, wondering what life might be like in Ulan Bataar or Yerevan or … More Why We Move